Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Goodbye, For Now

I'm afraid that between my school work and new friends, I've largely lost track of this blog. I forgot it several times in a row, and I'm hard pressed to come up with interesting ideas anymore. Since it's not as if this blog has thousands of followers, I don't think it'll throw too many people off if I put this on hold for now. I cannot let myself lose track of my school work, and so I say goodbye for now. Maybe after things calm down I'll start doing updates again, not nessecarily on a regular basis, but at least one every once in awhile. I'm also considering using this as a place to post updates on my current projects when they get in full swing and have real things to show and discuss. But, until then, I'm taking a break.

So... peace.

A concept art piece done over night by our artist for our ant based first person shooter.


  1. Cool artwork. A quick status update (like this art) once in a while would be a lot of fun.

  2. Instead of "goodbye", how about "until next time"? BTW - I agree, cool artwork. I think you got a good artist!
